Friday, February 5, 2010

Problem 6: Faulty CD Drive

Problem: My MacBook's CD Drive sometimes fails to work. DVDs work fine, but sometimes it doesn't work with a CD. It would start spinning and stop 3 times and then eject the CD. It takes 2~5 times before the MacBook can read the CD. At times, there's a clicking noise made as well.

Cause of Problem: Faulty CD Drive

Time needed: 5 days

Model: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook with Snow Leopard

First noticed on: My MacBook

I called Apple Support, and they offered a free replacement (I had the Apple Care Protection Plan). They got a delivery man to me in 2 days, and it got back to me on the 5th day. Also, during diagnostics, the Apple Repair Center also noticed that my LCD was failing, so they replaced the LCD, the connector, and also the bezel.

Result: Parts replaced without charge